The City of Santa Monica’s Office of Sustainability and the Environment along with Sustainable Works would like to congratulate the winners and participants of the 12th Annual Sustainable Santa Monica Student Poster Contest. This year’s theme For Work, School or Play, Travel the Sustainable Way, educated students on the issues related to the over dependence on cars in our community and the many alternative forms of transportation that will allow our city to have cleaner, healthier air, safer streets, less traffic and reduce our GHG emissions. The contest was open to all kindergarten through 12th grade students who live and/or attend school in Santa Monica.
Congratulations to the winners! Here are some of their thoughts and their photos and posters are highlighted below.
When I found out that I won the Grand Prize, my mouth felt like it was going to tear apart because my smile was so big. I hope you see that art is a really cool way to express what I believe in. I designed this picture to show that people can move through beautiful Santa Monica simply by biking, walking, scootering, running, rollerblading, and more! I hope you look at my picture and see other ways you can get around Santa Monica while helping the environment.
Maggie McLaughlin
Thank you for holding this contest to highlight the importance of sustainable habits we can practice here in Santa Monica! Thank you again for choosing my poster!
Halie Matsui
Nina loves the environment and animals. Her favorite animals are cats.
Nina's Mom
Thank you very much for selecting my drawing. I feel very proud to have been honored. I love art and I loved working on this important sustainability project
Charlotte Lamb
I love all animals, especially owls!
Ellis Rosenthal
Every little thing you do makes the world a better place.
Lindsay Lake
If everyone could commit to NOT using a fuel-driven automobile at least half of the week, then the world would heal twice as fast.
Katell Brady
Thank you to my art teacher Ms. Kate Pomatti and the Sustainable Work’s of Santa Monica. It’s such an incredible honor and I am so grateful!
Noa Simatovic @noalinart #begreen
Shreya is a creative and art lover person whose work has been recognized and presented by many schools. She loves sketching, painting and playing piano.
Shreya's Mom
This is our Earth and we need to treat it with tenderness, respect and love.
Andrea Gaeta
Thank you so much for recognizing my art!
Kara Best
Contest winners pictured with their posters
We would also like to acknowledge those students whose posters made it to the round of finalists.
K-2nd Grade
Grant Elementary: Amie Villegas, Cali Straughter, Emma Sethi
Roosevelt Elementary: Anjaii Kumar, Brooke Wong, Cadence Stangel, Lila Morris, Rebecca Fontes, Yura Saegusa, Zachary Law
6th-8th Grade
Saint Anne School: Genesis Duran
Lincoln Middle School: Bella Nguyen, Jaukquez Jackson, Sasha Tan, Miguel Lopez, Scarlet Stewart, Isabella Buccola, Diane Choi
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