Thank you for attending the Warming Dance Event on June 8th!
It was an wonderful event allowing us to see some of the climate challenges we face in a very beautiful and artistic way. We also talked about the 30th Anniversary of the Sustainable City Plan. If you want to learn more, visit

As always, our goal is to educate and follow that education up with action. Many actions were discussed at the event but here are a few more we hope you will adopt. Please make a commitment to do something and share it with us; Post on Sustainable Works Facebook Wall, Tweet with our handle @sustainablework, connect at #sustainablesm or send us an email

If you want to learn more about Donna Sternberg & Dancers, visit there website at

Take Action
1. Leave your car at home – bike, walk, carpool or take public transportation
2. Choose an electric vehicle when in the market for a new car
3. Make the switch to an all-electric home Rebates Available – visit
4. Be more energy efficient at home
5. Start a home garden
6. Shop at your local Farmers’ Market – City of SM Farmers Market
7. Compost
8. Educate yourself about The Farm Bill (Important: FB is a package of legislation passed roughly once every 5 years that has a tremendous impact on farming livelihoods, how food is grown, and what kinds of foods are grown.) Support Regenerative Agriculture in the Farm Bill!
9. Reduce your meat & dairy consumption
10. Reduce the number of products you consume
11. Find & fix leaks
12. Take shorter showers
13. Install water saving devices and get great rebates on high-efficiency toilets and clothes washers.
14. Wash only full loads of laundry and dishes
15. Water your lawn wisely. Follow the City’s new Outdoor Watering Restrictions: 2x/week max
16. REFUSE disposable plastic whenever and wherever possible. Say ‘no straw’, please.
17. REDUCE your consumption of goods that contain excessive plastic packaging and parts
18. REUSE Choose glass, paper, stainless steel, wood, ceramic and bamboo over plastic
19. RECYCLE what you can’t refuse, reduce or reuse.

Photos by Kathleen Murphy