The Game Changers Film Screening

2020-03-06T23:13:45-08:00March 6th, 2020|0 Comments

Thank you for attending The Game Changers documentary film screening on February 26th!

Executive produced by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan, a UFC fighter’s world is turned upside down when he discovers a group of world-renowned athletes and scientists who show him that most of what he’d been taught about protein was a lie.

We had a wonderful panel discussion with with Dr. Columbus Batiste, Chief of Cardiology at Kaiser Permanente who is featured in the film, Agnes Muljadi, Plant-based ballerina, speaker and advocate and moderator Julie Ward, Plant-Based Nutritionist and Certified Health Coach.

For more information on our panelists please visit their websites at:

Agnes Muljadi

Julie Ward

If you attended the event and have not filled out the survey, please do so at

Thank you to Lettuce Grow for donating a basket of assorted, locally grown, organic, baby greens for our price drawing and congratulations to Jeff Jarow who was the lucky winner.

Thank you to Lettuce Grow for offering a special discount to Sustainable Works. Use code JASSO100 to get $100 off any size farmstand… but act fast because this discount will soon be going away!

We also encourage you to take action on at least 3 items listed below.

Take Action
1. Go meatless at least one day a week (Meatless Mondays)
2. Replace meat with tasty alternatives (tempeh, seitan, jackfruit, lentils, tofu)
3. Make meat a supporting actor rather than the leading role
4. Try a dish from a culture that typically eats vegetarian
5. Research plant-based sources of protein, iron, and other nutrients
6. Work your way through a vegetarian cookbook
7. Attend our People, Planet, Plate: Food Choices for a Sustainable Future

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